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Bevallani a látszólag bevallhatatlant
Már gyerekkorunkban mennyi hibát követünk el ahogy növünk fel és közben sorra tanuljuk azt, hogy miképp lehetne jól csinálni, vagy miképp lehetett volna jól csinálni. Nincs oly ember, aki sosem hibázott volna. A gond, hogy már gyerekkorában hozzászoktatták az ...
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Quick, let’s cover it
Mr. McFly, Mr. McFly, this just arrived, oh hi Marty. I think it's your new book. What, what, ma? Jennifer. Lynda, first of all, I'm not your answering service. Second of all, somebody named Greg or Craig called you just a little while ago. Dammit, Doc, wh...
Don’t you lose those
I still don't understand, how am I supposed to go to the dance with her, if she's already going to the dance with you. Oh, I sure like her, Marty, she is such a sweet girl. Isn't tonight the night of the big date? So tell me, Marty, how long have you been ...
I’ll call you tonight
Doc, she didn't even look at him. The hell you doing to my car? Good morning, Mom. Oh, Marty, I almost forgot, Jennifer Parker called. Jesus. Alright, McFly, you're asking for it, and now you're gonna get it.
Thank god I found you. Listen, can you meet ...
When did this happen
Right. The storm. Yeah, well, I still don't understand what Dad was doing in the middle of the street. Breakfast. Good, I'll see you tonight. Don't forget, now, 1:15 a.m., Twin Pines Mall.
Oh honey, he's teasing you, nobody has two television sets. Brow...