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I’ll call you tonight

Doc, she didn’t even look at him. The hell you doing to my car? Good morning, Mom. Oh, Marty, I almost forgot, Jennifer Parker called. Jesus. Alright, McFly, you’re asking for it, and now you’re gonna get it.

Thank god I found you. Listen, can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall tonight at 1:15? I’ve made a major breakthrough, I’ll need your assistance. 1955? You’re my ma- you’re my ma. Jesus, George, it’s a wonder I was ever born. Yeah, you got my homework finished, McFly? He’s your brother, Mom.

I’ll call you tonight. Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going. Right, okay, so right around 9:00 she’s gonna get very angry with me. Quiet, quiet. I’m gonna read your thoughts. Let’s see now, you’ve come from a great distance? Marty, you didn’t fall asleep, did you?

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